Jumping in the Forbidden City

Beijing, china,

The Forbidden City is at the very heart of the Chinese capital. It was the Chinese imperial palace from the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, and it is HUGE! It consists of 980 buildings with 8,707 bays of rooms and covers 720,000 mยฒ.

But it can get a bit boring, as after a few minutes of walking around, all buildings quickly look the same. This is when being with an awesome gang like Petulia, JP, and Sylvain can turn a boring visit into the greatest fun. The "mot d'ordre" was: let's take some stupid pictures! And so we did. And many. All of them are not jumping pics, so I cannot show them all here, for the sake of consistency :-)

We started with a Pray Jumping:

Jumping in the Forbidden City

Meditation Jumping?

Zen jumping

Freestyle Jumping:

Jumping in the Forbidden City

Double High Five Jumping:

Jumping in the Forbidden City

Double X-Jumping (and a late Jumper):

Jumping in the Forbidden City

Creative Jumping:

Jumping in the Forbidden City

This one is a gem. Witch Jumping!

Witch Jumping in Beijing

Mirror Jumping:

Jumping around the Forbidden City

And last but not least, that homage to the Beatles below, had us getting quite some attraction from the locals: Beatles Jumping ;-)

Beatles jumping

Jumping map
Latest jumps